Tuesday, September 4, 2012

In which Virginia introduces herself...

Hey hey, you you my name is Virginia (yes like the state, my mom is from there) and I'm an 18 year old music major from San Diego, CA.  This is going my first year at the University of California, Los Angeles which basically means that J. Lo and Orlando Bloom will be my neighbors for the next four years.  When I'm not on the internet or busy being my cat's personal scratching post, I enjoy doing all the music things.  I can play the piano, ukulele, and trombone, but also dabble with the recorder, otamatone, melodica, bass, and various percussion instruments (including the ever fabulous rainstick).  In addition to learning any instrument I can get my hands on, I enjoy composing, in particular film scores, which I consider to be my dream job.  Having had a childhood during the golden age of disney movies, I grew up listening to the classic sounds of Alan Menken, but I also greatly admire the works of Phillip Glass, John Williams, Joe Hisaishi, Wendy Carlos, and my favorite, Danny Elfman.

Outside of music, there are still many subjects that interest me. I've always found psychology fascinating, in particular abnormal behavior and social psychology, and am considering it for a minor.  During my time at university, I would like to study a bit of cognitive science, eastern religion, film, and german.  It would be spectacular if I could study abroad for that last subject.  

In my spare time, I vlog on occasion, read (everything except the romance novels with shirtless cowboys on the covers), and draw (cartoons are my specialty).  I'm also a bit of a TV junkie.  A few of my favorites: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Firefly, The X-Files, Merlin, Battlestar Galactica, Veronica Mars, Doctor Who, Daria, Supernatural (the list could go on but I promised to only put few).  Some of my happiest moments have been spent wrapped in a blanket drinking hot cocoa while watching the Tennant seasons (DW).

Things I Dislike: Pickled foods, soap operas, ASPCA commercials with Sarah McLachlan singing, the guy that replaced Billy Mays.

Fun Facts: I like cats, longs walks on the beach, grey weather, and the smell of Lemon Pine Sol.

I look forward to getting to know you all and hearing about your adventures.  DFTBA!



  1. Aw yissss! I friggin love scores! It's the main thing I listen to. TV show, film and game scores. So far my favorite composer is Bear McCreary (nothing against Hans Zimmer and other legends in the industry but the BSG soundtracks...oh my god! So good!)

    ...you can make a side career out of being a paparazzi and taking embarrassing pictures of Orlando Bloom dressing up as Legolas and admiring himself in the mirror.

    1. I was an embarrassingly big Orlando Bloom fan when I was 14.

    2. I was never a Bloom fan but I thought Legolas was neat. I had a Legolas poster. xD

    3. Oh yes, that soundtrack is pretty fantastic. I like the music in X-Files as well. haha good idea, for one of my classes I have to "explore" Los Angeles so might as well. I'll keep you guys updated on my progress ;)

    4. Oh yes. I like Mark Snow's music for X-Files: I Want To Believe :D

    5. Orlando Bloom will forever be one of my weaknesses.

  2. Yay, you should come to Austria, it's much cooler than Germany! But seriously, if you ever want to learn some German or need some help, let me know ^-^

    And yay for cat person!

    1. Wow, thanks! :D Hmmm... Austria does sound fun, I'll have to see if my school offers any programs there. If not I'd still like to visit sometime within the next few years.

  3. Resident Psychology major checking in! You should definitely take a few classes. They're immensely exciting!

  4. I can tell we're all going to be best of friends :D Also kudos to you for playing obscure instruments. This is also a passion of mine :)

    1. Woohoo friends! *insert confetti* Ooo what do you play?

    2. I play clarinet - to a good standard, piano to a goodish standard, can play around on the recorder fairly well as well as the penny whistle and the peruvian flute (which are both similar) , our family has an assortment of percussion instruments - my favourite being either the cow bell, or the horn, xylophone, kazoo and harmonica. My Dad's being given a cymbala for Christmas and I can't wait to get my hands on it!
      Basically the only instrument I've been able to get my hands on which I've had no success in playing is the guitar, much to my distaste. My hands are just too little :(
